Timothy Comeau

The Cable Project (2004 – 2005)


The Cable Project enabled media artists to expose themselves to a variety of televisual material with hope that it would benefit their practice. I gave away Rogers cable television subscriptions to eight Toronto media artists over the winter of 2004—2005.

I saw regular television as a media library that media artists should have access to, and since cable tv was regarded as either an expensive luxury or derided as too common, the idea was to make it easy and free.

The following artists were chosen:

Jeremy Bailey
Kotama Bouabane
Keith Cole
Dave Dyment
Heather Keung
Benny Nemerofsky Ramsay
Zoe Stonyk
Lex Vaughn

with thanks to
Rogers Cable • The Ontario Arts Council

ontario arts council logo

The Cable Committe

I struck a ‘cable committee’ to help me decide which artists should receive cable television. This committee consisted of:

Cecilia Berkovic
Sarah Hollenberg
Day Milman
Amish Morrell
Fedora Romita


Louis Marrone conducted interviews with four of the artists and myself, in November and December 2004.

Thursday November 18 2004: Zoe Stonyk
Friday November 19 2004: Lex Vaughn

Monday November 22 2004: Kotama Bouabane
Monday November 22 2004: Keith Cole
Thursday December 2 2004: Me, Timothy Comeau

In Print

RM Vaughan, The Big Picture (No. 30), The National Post, Saturday May 7 2005